Independent Contractors: Classify Carefully

Independent Contractors: Classify Carefully

Many businesses use independent contractors to help keep their costs down and provide flexibility for short-term needs. But the question of whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor is complex. Be careful that your independent contractors are...

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HSAs Can Be Powerful Retirement Saving Tools

HSAs Can Be Powerful Retirement Saving Tools

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are tax-advantaged savings vehicles for funding health care expenses not covered by insurance. And for those in relatively good health, they also may serve as attractive retirement savings vehicles. To be eligible to contribute, an...

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5 Strategies for Improving Collections

5 Strategies for Improving Collections

Businesses that operate in the retail or restaurant spheres have it relatively easy when it comes to collections. They generally take payments right at a point-of-sale terminal and customers go on their merry way. For other types of companies, it’s not so easy....

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Renting to Family Members

Renting to Family Members

As rents continue to rise in many areas, you may decide to help your financially challenged family members by renting a property to them at a discount. But this can lead to the loss of significant tax deductions. Here's a look at the tax treatment that applies when...

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Handle Your 401(k) Rollover With Care

Handle Your 401(k) Rollover With Care

Leaving a job? You may want to roll over funds in your former employer’s 401(k) plan to an IRA. But there’s a tax trap for the unwary. If you receive a 401(k) plan check that’s payable to you personally or if you have a distribution put into a personal account...

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Valuable Tax Credit Available for Energy-Efficient Homes

Valuable Tax Credit Available for Energy-Efficient Homes

Under the Inflation Reduction Act, construction contractors who build or rehab energy-efficient homes may be eligible for a federal tax credit of up to $5,000 per project. To claim the credit, builders are required to construct or substantially rehab a qualified home...

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Having Trouble Budgeting? QuickBooks Online Can Help

Having Trouble Budgeting? QuickBooks Online Can Help

Creating a budget that works may be the most challenging task you take on as you manage your company’s accounting. Income can be unpredictable, and expenses are hard to estimate. But a well-crafted budget is key to running a successful business. Maybe you’ve tried...

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Help Prevent Financial Scams Aimed at Older People

Help Prevent Financial Scams Aimed at Older People

In any season, scam artists are seeking new ways to steal financial data and money from vulnerable people. Such fraudulent activities often target older adults. Here are three ways to help prevent elder financial abuse and fraud, whether you’re in this age bracket or...

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Sending the Kids to Day Camp May Bring a Tax Break

Sending the Kids to Day Camp May Bring a Tax Break

Among the many challenges of parenthood is childcare for kids when school lets out. Babysitters are one option, or you might consider sending them to a day camp. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but if you do choose a day camp, you could be eligible for a tax...

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